
Posts Tagged ‘casual gamer’

So I find myself in an odd place between being a casual and a “hardcore” gamer.

When I was younger, with fewer obligations, I was able to get fully immersed in video games, spending countless summer vacations in front of a computer screen. However, now my time is much more limited. I still play games, but I am often left with a guilty feeling. I know rather than becoming proficient in the different races of Sins of a Solar Empire, I should be working on a school project, or studying, or doing laundry or whatever countless tasks you can think of to obligate my time. Due to this, it takes a lot for new games to really bring me enjoyment. Not only does the game itself need to be good, but it must have a certain level of addictiveness in order to make me overcome that feeling of guilt. I suppose this makes me a little over-critical of a game the first time I play it, however, this is how it has to be. Due to my time constraints, games with save-points are pretty much out of the question. I need something I can pick up, get into, and then put down just as fast without losing any progress. I know that this quality is what puts me closer to the casual gamer status, and I do, in fact, find myself gravitating towards more casual games like Boom Blox  and various DS titles. However, I do occasionally set some time aside to get into an RPG or RTS, and despite the guilt they bring, in them I find the most satisfaction.

I guess the point of this is a semi-introduction to my current state of approaching games. I assume I am not alone in these feelings as there must be plenty in my generation who grew up immersing themselves in videogames, only to grow up and find that the real world tries to steal them away from you with all of its needs. I guess that’s just how it is, and we’ll all have to just deal with the guilty feeling. For some reason, the idea of writing about the games I’m playing, or anything gaming related seems to make me feel better about wasting several hours in front of the computer or xbox. So this blog is just my feeble attempt to shake that guilty feeling that I am not doing anything productive by playing computer games. Enjoy.

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